Monday, November 5

Turkey Time

Marker and colored pencil

Yep, it's that time of year again. Cooler temps, leaves falling, Christmas advertising, and my favorite thing of all...turkey time!

I haven't been doing too much artwork in the last couple of weeks. My focus for this month is actually novel writing. Yeah, you read that right. I am writing a novel. It's National Novel Writing Month, and I've decided to participate in this crazy fall ritual. Rather than explain it in detail here, I'll send you to their website for more information ( Click on the "About" tab to learn what it's all about.

Okay, so if I'm writing a novel this month, where did this turkey illustration come from? Well, as much as I'd like to take a month off from work to write, it's just not possible. I still have to do my job. As part of my job, I was recruited to do a bulletin board display on food safety. I needed a really cool color graphic to put with my display, so I decided to draw (and color) my own turkey. He looks so friendly and beautiful that I may just have to go vegetarian this Thanksgiving. Who could eat such a delightful-looking bird? Besides, my husband and I need to finish off last year's Thanksgiving leftovers that we froze before we attempt to cook another bird.

So, while I'm on a holiday and novel writing hiatus, I hope you enjoy the turkey...both the one pictured here and the one that you will probalby be eating in a couple of weeks. Happy Thanksgiving!

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